Outside my window........Across the street from my office is a two story white house with a wrap around porch. The lady who lives there often has company for lunch and they sit on the porch. When you go outside you can hear then talking and laughing and having a good time. I need more friends like that.
I am thinking about when you to start the process of taking the CPA exam. Once you start you have 18 months to pass the whole thing. I am worried about running out of time, I am worried about finding time to study, I am really worried about just not passing it.
I am thankful that I get to be such a big part of my grandbabies lives. I could not imagine only seeing them a few times a year.
In the kitchen there is........nothing. I have no idea what to have for dinner. Seems like a reoccurring problem lately. I used to plan out meals for the week, get all the necessary items on the weekend and didn't have to stress over it. I can't seem to get back to that.
I am wearing dress pants, a blue print shirt and low heels. Yes, low heels. Sigh....
I am going to have Lasik eye surgery on Friday. I am not really nervous, deep down I think I won't be a candidate for some reason. It's the $940 that's bothering me. I don't normally spend that much money on myself.
I am reading "Consent to Kill" by Vince Flynn. I have finished the Lincoln Rhyme series by Jeffrey Deaver so not to finish the Mitch Rapp series.
I am looking forward to the overnight stay for the surgery. Even though it is only 1 night it will be nice to alone with my husband.
Around the house it is a disaster. Tax season takes it toll on cleaning. There are cobwebs everywhere I look it seems like. In years past my children have helped with it but not this year. The kitchen remodel is only half done, the ice maker in the fridge went out and two of the DirecTv boxes are fried. I think I need a week off just to clean and schedule repair men. And you can't put everyday life on hold to take care of the extra stuff so..........sigh.
A favorite quote for today.........."Keep Calm and Snuggle Your Husband".
A few plans for the rest of the week - Just work and more work. Then the eye surgery on Friday and back home Saturday afternoon. Spend Sunday getting ready for the week ahead.
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Onion Rings
1 day ago