Outside my window it is overcast, no rain, but warm. Today the high was 79 degrees. 79!! in November. I wish I lived somewhere with seasons and snow.
I am thinking all the homework I am sooooooo behind on. It seems impossible that I will be able to catch up, much less finish a research paper.
I am thankful that I have a crowded, clean, noisy house to go home to. And I get to babysit Emily about 5 hours a day over the next several days. Definately NaNa time.
From the learning rooms. I don't homeschool but there is a lot of homework going on at my house all the time. Heather is in Drivers Ed. (scary). Lindsay is still taking parenting. She has decided that she is NEVER having children. Great class!!! I am studying Estate/Gift Tax and Advanced Financial Accounting, with a research paper on International Financial Reporting Standards.
In the kitchen there is only green bean casserole. We have our church Thanksgiving dinner tonight and that is all I am taking.
I am wearing my favorite pair of work pants and, as always, high heeled boots.
I am creating a wonderful keepsake for my grandchildren. Every week or so I write them (even the unborn one) a letter. One day I will give them to them.
I am going to have to reconsider Weight Watchers. It is not working.
I am wondering if maybe going for my Master's Degree was mistake. I am so tired of school.
I am reading "The Girl Who Played with Fire"
I am hoping to have some alone time with my husband very soon.
I am looking forward to Friday. I am cooking Thanksgiving at my house that day and babysitting Emily that evening. I forsee a whole day in my pjs.
I am hearing "Midnight Train to Georgia" on my ipod.
I am pondering how to get all the things done that I need to for family and school. Can I go without sleep for about a week??
One of my favorite things is coffee. You can never have to much.
A few plans for the rest of the week include having dinner Thursday with my husband's aunt. I don't really want to but I will do my duty as his wife.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing
This is our cat Marco. He is 1 yr old today. He was a great addition to our fur baby family.
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Onion Rings
1 day ago
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving :)
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