Outside my window it is sunny but cold. High in 50's, lows in 30's. I hate living where we have to endure the cold but don't get the joy of snow. I guess if I lived where there was snow I would feel differently.
I am thinking about my finals I have tonight and tomorrow. This was not a good week to painfully discover I have a cyst on my ovary and lose two days and nights to hospital and pain killers.
I am thankful that we had the money to pay for the deposit on the ER visit. I won't have insurance until February. It broke us this week but at least the deposit was paid for.
From the learning room, well I don't home school but there are 4 of us in the house in school. Me - Masters program. Ashley - Freshmen in college. Heather and Lindsay - sophomores in high school. We are all in the middle of finals and will be glad when this week is over. Heather also has her drivers test this week, I hope she passes.
In the kitchen there is sadness. Nothing in the crock pot tonight. Last nights' chicken and dumplings were amazing as usual and tomorrow I am making the filling for chicken tacos in the crock pot but tonight we are having store bought pizza and such due to final deadline.
I am wearing grey dress pants, black long sleeve shirt and flats. YES flats. It is truly a sad day.
I am creating a new kitchen. Over the summer we had got granite counter tops. (I sleep with the granite man so all we paid for was slab. LOL) and now my husband in putting up paneling. I can't wait till it is finished.
I am going to stop stressing over these two finals. What is the worse that can happen? I might have to retake one of them. It won't stop me from becoming a CPA, it won't kill me, so get over it already. What is DONE is DONE. Thank you Lord, Amen.
I am wondering............not about much. I am not really a wanderer (?) I like to know exactly what is going on, find out the reality of the situation and go from there. Maybe I am just to busy to wonder today.
I am reading "The Girl who kicked the Hornet's Nest." Final book in the series. Will probably watch the movie also.
I am hoping that my cyst plays nice until February when I get insurance.
I am looking forward to the break from school until January 9th. I don't remember undergrad being this hard.
I am hearing ladies chit chat down the hall at work. I work with some great women.
I am pondering what else to get the "Angel" at church. We bought two fairly expensive gifts. I thought about a stocking full of various fun stuff.
One of my favorite things is the way my husband smells. I love hugging him and just inhaling his scent. Before work, after work, after shower, first thing in the morning - doesn't matter. I love his scent.
A few plans for the rest of the week include getting past finals, finishing the last 3 episodes of Mad Men on Netflix with Ashley. (We will then be ready for the new season in March). And getting to the YMCA this weekend and sleeping late on Saturday.
Here is a picture of my granddaughter Emily Payton
Join the fun and let us know what your day is like:
Onion Rings
1 day ago
I could relate so much to your post about grad school. It is so hard to maintain a home and be a student. I wish you all the best and hope you have a wonderful break.
What a sweet little grandbaby! Wishing you and your family a very Merry CHRISTmas!
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