Outside my window it is bright and sunny. Across the street from my office is a Catholic Church and throughout the day I can hear the chimes that mark certain hours. At noon and again at 5, the chimes play several songs and it is glorious to hear.
I am thinking about the plants that we bought this weekend. Cana lillies, butterfly periwinkles and foxgloves. They need to get into the ground soon, but my husband has been working overtime and that comes first.
I am thankful that God blessed me with children and grandchildren. My life would be so boring without them.
In the kitchen.....tonight we are having pizza bake.
I am wearing my usual office attire. Black pants, red shirt and the new shoes I got last week. They are black, of course. LOL
I am creating..........nothing at the moment.
I am going to the gym with my daughters tonight. It will be our 3rd night in a row. Last night we did a cardio class. Very similar to Tae Bo. It was fun and I feel it today. She wants to try Zumba tonight but I think I am just going to the pool.
I am wondering about school for the summer. I need to decided SOON if I want to take any classes.
I am reading "The Stone Monkey" by Jeffery Deaver. I am so enjoying the Lincoln Rhyme series.
I am hoping for a nice relaxing weekend of cleaning house. Ever since tax season ended we have been busy. I fear that we may be attacked by dust bunnies in our sleep.
I am looking forward to finally being able to get into our pool. It was a COLD 68 degrees Sunday. I need it a little warmer.
I am learning (again) the wonders of babies.
Around the house there never seems to be enough time to get everything done.
I am pondering a vacation this year but right now I am to tired to even consider one, unless it involves a study of how much sleep is to much. LOL
A favorite quote for today...."One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak." Gilbert Chesterton.
One of my favorite things is still the smell of my husband.
A few plans for the rest of the week include: the gym, meatloaf, sushi and a movie with my hubby, time on the couch in my pajamas with kids and grandkids and church.
A peek into my day.....This is my youngest set of twins. Heather and Lindsay. I am so happy I get a few years of just them. They are exceptional young women.
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Onion Rings
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