Every year I promise myself I am going to blog more.
And every year I don't.
I think of great topics or ideas or just life stuff, but time and work get in the way. This year I came across a 31 day blog challenge and thought, COOL. Of course today is the 11th and I haven't started. And I wasn't going to. I mean I didn't start on time and I can't break the rules.
Then I thought.........RULES????
It is my blog and if I want to start a 31 day blog challenge on the 11th I can. What is the worst that can happen? The blog police will come and take away my blogging right??
So here is Day 1 - Introduction
My name is Alesia and I am 46 years old. Yikes!! 46!!! That is way to close to 50 for my comfort.
Anyway, I live in Robertsdale. A small town in lower Alabama. I am an accountant and I will hopefully start reviewing to take my CPA exam later this year. I have 6 children, 2 granddaughters, 3 dogs and 2 cats. (no wonder I have no time to blog)
I love to cook and read. I combine the two by always cooking from a recipe. Even if I have made the dish 1000 times I will pull out the recipe and read it. I love the order of it. Probably why I am a good accountant. Accounting involves rules and laws and steps. Feeds my inner OCD nerd.
I was born September 23, a cusp, so I am both Libra and Virgo.
Yes I love order and following steps but I have a creative side. I love to be spontaneous and crazy AFTER I have done everything else in an orderly fashion.
Yes it drives my husband crazy, why do you ask.
I was an only child but I was most definitely not spoiled. I didn't know my bio father until I was 15 and my step "father" hated kids. I spent a year of my life in foster care (my choice) before leaving my mothers house at 15. I have been working and paying bills for 31 years.
I hated being an only child but looking back I am so glad my mother never had another child. I could not have left that child in that house when I left and I certainly could not have taken care of him/her. I know I would have tried. Flying below the radar at 15 and living in the projects would have been a lot harder.
But I graduated high school and eventually at 24 built my own house that I still live in today. It isn't huge but it is home.
So what else...............
I am a huge Lebron James fan.
My 3 favorite football teams are:
Greenbay Packers
Washington Redskins
and anybody playing Dallas.
I really, really don't like Dallas.
I guess that's all for now.
We do have 30 more days. YAY!!
Onion Rings
1 day ago
You is crazy...and I love that!
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