Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So three saturdays down and 12 more to go. Sigh!

I found my groove and I am feeling good for the January 31st deadline for W2s and 1099s.

Still not sure about new tax program. I haven't used it enough to be comfortable with it and the state portion doesn't work like I am used to.  But it will be what it will be and the returns will get done, one way or another.

I need to get back to church.  I have been tired (and suffering from migraines) and have been skipping it and choir practice.  Not good.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I got my first tax season overtime check today and it was awesome but working on saturday still sucks.

I am just not in the groove yet this year.  We have new tax software that I am not comfortable with. We are short one person and I do not what all she did to help Renda out so I feel kinda useless. Of course tax season will kick into high gear whether I am ready or not. So I will "get it going" when I have to.

I believe that january should be all and only about payroll. Payroll reports and W2's. My boss thinks otherwise. He has been driving me crazy with getting year end work and corporate tax returns done that are NOT due by the end of January.

Ugh.  But he does sign that nice overtime check.


tax girl

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My boss stole my brownie

Most people before they go on a diet they binge. It is human nature when faced with upcoming famine, of any kind, we over do it on what we will soon be denied.

Last week should have been my period of binging. The last week of the year. Last days before the longer hours and weeks of tax season. Now I am not suggesting that we should have taken the week off. There was stuff to do, but it could (and should in my opinion) been done in a calm, relaxed manner.

But NO

My boss ran around like it was April 14th and we had 40 returns left to do. He was high strung, over reacting, and down right grumpy. 

When we return to work on Monday the "diet" begins and I didn't get my brownie.