Monday, December 24, 2012

1st chistmas

Today we had Aurora's 1st Christmas.  (My youngest grand daughter)

Her mother is off today but works tomorrow, so today was half the family, tomorrow the other half.

So family arrived with gifts, but we hadto have bananas first.  LOL

After the bananas we got down to gifts.  There were several gifts of bottles which she was vary interest in, except that they were empty.

Her parents got her a stuffed animal that talks. She loved it.

She also got a toy that she can walk behind. She hasn't quite figured it out yet.

Our tradition is homemade mexican on Christmas. Again, due to my children's work schedules, we have divided the meal into two day. Today is Chicken Tortilla Soup with homemade cheese dip and homemade salsa.

Tomorrow is Sour Cream and Chicken Enchiladas and beef Chimichangas.  (spelling?)

We are also going to start on all 8 Harry Potter movies.  (I may be going to bed early. LOL)

Speaking of cooking, my youngest twins birthday was the 22nd.  They wanted to have friends over for dinner.  Yes, don't all 17 yr olds want a dinner party for their dirthday??  So I cooked Chicken and Parmesean Basil Dumplings.  It was a hit. 

My best friend Renda (who is married to my brother, even though I am an only child) got me a cook book for Christmas. Fifty Shades of Chicken.  LOL

It's a conspiracy to get me back into cooking. 


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